ATSW The Escape Pod
In The Escape Pod we join our Heros, Don “DellaSnooch”Sulski Brady “Big” Lovin and Dragon Buddy as they spend some time discussing what new in the pop culture news of the time, what is coming down the pike in video games, what is swirling around the rumor mill (the hot sheets), and as always they boys talk Starwars.The Escape Pod aint no Disney show, We’re a little dirty, a few drinks in, ready to get into it, and we Always Do It Live
ATSW The Escape Pod
Skeleton Crew – ATSW The Escape Pod - Episode 211
Skeleton Crew – ATSW The Escape Pod - Episode 211
This aint no Disney show, We’re a little dirty, a few drinks in, ready to get into it, and we Always Do It Live
The Escape Pod is a place where friends gather to talk about all things geek
You will join our heros Don “DellaSnooch” Sulski, Brady “Big” Lovin and Chris “Dragon Buddy” Olson as they spend some time talking about everything pop culture past present and future. You will always get a positive environment to spend with people that love the things you do, so dive in and talk geek and always the boys will talk Star wars.
In this weeks Episode:
This week The guys will talk about Skeleton Crew… Kellie says penis but its not in this one still again
#podcast #parentaladvisoryexplicitcontent
#stormtroopers #troopers #nerds #geeks #atswtheescapepod #fun #funny #getaway #goodtime #escape #atswfamily #Escape #Shenanigans #GeekOut #podcast #DonDellaSnoochBradyBigLovinandDragonbuddy #StarWars #PopCulture #SnickerGetYourIshTogetherThe EscapePod
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